domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

Guía examen final (global) 3ER GRADO

Guía examen global 3ER GRADO


"Health service"

1.Where did the situation occur?                              
                    a) at a hospital    b) at an office       c) at a restaurant   

   2.What was the time?                                                                                
a) 9:30 am      b)  3 pm        c) 9:30 pm                                              
3.Why didn’t the patient sleep last night?                                     
a)because she had a fever  b) because she was watching tv c)because she was playing videogames  
4.According to the doctor, was it an emergency?                  
      a) Yes, it was   b)no, it wasn’t   c) yes, it were          
    5.What medicine did the doctor recommended to the patient’s mother? 
a) cough syrup  b)aspirin   c) X-ray pills                          
  6. How often did he suggest to give the patient the pill?  
A) every 2 hours      b) every 6 hours      c) every 9 hours 

7.How did the affected person complain?                             
a) by phone         b) face to face      c) by mail              
8.Where did she call ?  
a) computer service office    b)accounting service office                   c)health service office                   

  9.What phrase did the responsible person use to attend the complaint? 
a)how can I help you?  b)What can I do for you?                  c)What is the nature of your call?                                                     

  10.How did the doctor feel?             
 a) happy              b) angry                   c) sad   
 11.How did the patient’s mother  feel?                                                
   a) happy              b) angry                   c) sad 
 12.The affected person was:
a) a child             b) a man                  c) a pet                              

    13. What was the problem?  
a) The doctor didn’t attend the patient     b) The doctor was not in the hospital       c) There was no medicine

"Telephonic complaint"

1.What’s the name of Mr. Smith’s assistant?                        
  a) Jane                 b) Mary              c) Ana
2.What phrase did the affected person use to complain?  
  a) I wish to make a complaint     b) I want to complain     
 c) I have to make a complaint                                                    

3.What’s the name of the affected person?                           
a) John Smith        b)Will Spears    c)Edward Brown    
4.What company is the affected person calling from?                  
a) Brown sugar         b) candy        c) blue and pink             
5.How long has the affected person been a customer?                
      a) 1 year                  b) 5 years          c) 15 years                                       

6. What phrase did the responsible person use to apologize?   
a)I am very sorry   b) I am very happy   c) I don’t care at all  

7. What phrase did the affected person use to accept the apology? 
a) That’s ok         b) That’s bad         c) That’s sad                                   

8.Where did the situation occur?
 a) at a hospital    b) at an office       c) at a restaurant                     

9.How did the affected person complain?                            
  a) by phone         b) face to face      c) by mail        
10. How did the affected person feel?                                                   
  a) happy              b) angry                   c) sad                            

11.The affected person was: 
a) A child             b) A man                  c) A woman



1.Where did the situation occur? 
a) at a hospital    b) at an office       c) at a restaurant                     

2.What was the meal?                                                                     
a) Pizza  and soda            b) Cookies and coffee                        c) hamburger with French fries and tea                                                 
  3. How many people were the clients? 
 a) 1                b) 2                  c) 3                                                       

 4.What did the affected client want?                                                      
a) The bill   b) a soda   c) a spoon                                                        

5. What was the problem?                                                                                    
a) The hamburger has a hair        b) The soda is hot               c) There is no salt on the table                                                        
  6.How did the affected client feel?                                                     
  a) happy           b)angry                c)Sad                                                                

 7. Did he want another meal? 
a) yes, he did         b) no, he didn’t         c) yes, he does   

 8.Did he want to pay for the meal?                                                
  a)Yes, he did    b) no, he didn’t     c) yes, he does       
 9.What sarcastic phrase did the client use to complain?  
a)Delicious meal    b) What a service    c)Great day      

10.What solution did the waitress give?                                                         
a) talk with the manager    b)eat the hamburger                   c)change the hamburger                                                                           
11.Did the clients talk with the manager?  
 a) Yes, they did     b) no, they didn’t       c)yes, they do 

a) they didn’t have enough time    b)they didn’t want   c)they did it                                                                                       
 13.What phrase did the another client use to accept the apology? 
a)thanks by the way      b) good night     c)see you soon  

 14.How did the affected person complain?                              
a) by phone         b) face to face      c) by mail   




- I was happy
She was angry
they were sad

Experiment  of science 
"materials" (materiales)

"Steps"   (pasos)

Memory games

"Irregular verbs"

Ejemplo del "simple past":

-I broke the window    (Yo quebré la ventana)
-I brought my book     (Yo traje mi libro)
-I hit the ball                 (Yo golpeé la pelota)
-I sent letters                 (Yo envié cartas)

"Historic events"
Apollo 11

The misión plan Apollo 11 was to land two men on the surface of the moon and return them safety to Earth. The apollo 11 Lunar module, the Eagle, landed in the sea of tranquility on July 20, 1969. A camera filmed the moment Armstrong stepped off, he proclaimed: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for man kind”.

The astronoauts planned to collect rock samples, to do several experiments. These samples provided no evidence of living organism on the moon.

Questions about the text

1.What was the name of the mission? (¿cuál era el nombre de la misión?)

a) Apollo 15    b)Apollo 11   c) Apllo 13

2.Who said “that’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”?                                                       
(¿Quien dijo “Ese es un pequeño paso para un hombre pero un salto gigante para la humanidad”?)
a)    Copperfield       b)Armstrong     c) Johnson
2. What did they plan to collect?   (¿Qué planearon ellos coleccionar?)
a) Rock samples    b) Plants      c) Food

3) Is there any living organism on the moon?(¿Hay algún organismo viviente en la luna?)(X)
____  yes                        ______no

Unexpected situations


Arguments in favor and against to...

Debate  "Uniforms" (agreements)
1) Uniforms don't look cool. I agree
2) Uniforms save parent's money. I think so 
3) Uniforms help people to keep in touch. I believe that

Debate "Cell phones"    (diagreements)
Cell phones cause brain cancer. I disagree
Cell phones are not smart. I don't think so
Cell phones affect student's concentration.  I don't believe that

 Field trip

4 things you can do in the beach

I can build a castle made of sand
I can  play volleyball

I can swim

 I can walk 



“Hoy termina una etapa y empieza otra en tu vida. Y has de prepararte para un mundo de competitividad”
Marta Álvarez

“Utiliza en la vida los talentos que poseas: el bosque estaría muy silencioso si sólo cantasen los pájaros que cantan mejor”
Henry Van Dike

Guía examen final (global) 2DO GRADO

Guía examen global 2DO GRADO

SCHOOL OBJECTS (objetos escolares)

USES OF THE OBJECTS  (usos de los objetos)

It is used to write notes on it   :____________
It is used to measure :__________________
It is used to store pencils: ________________
It is used to read texts:________________
It is used to hold unwanted garbage:___________________
It is used to provide information about distances:_________________
It is used to color drawings:__________________
It is used to store food:_____________________
It is used to lean elbows on it: _____________
It is used to locate continents, countries, oceans, rivers or cities:________________
It is used to write :______________
It is used to chat:_____________
It is used to decorate drawings:______________
It is used to tailor the tip of pencils: _____________
It is used to carry school supplies:__________
It is used to identify days, months or years:_____________
It is used to stick papers:____________
It is used to erase mistakes:____________
It is used to sit on it:_____________________
It is used to cut paper:___________________
It is used to contain pencils-pens:__________________
It is used to paint:_____________
It is used to show presentations and videos:_______________
It is used to write:__________________
It is used to hold papers:_____________

 COMPARATIVES   (comparaciones)

A ruler is cheaper than a notebook    (más barato)
A backpack is more expensive than a lunch box  (más caro)

Can- Can't (poder y no poder)

1.       He can’t stop eating donuts
2.       She can’t be a bad mother
3.       He can’t be a good student
4.       She can’t be a bad student
5.       She can’t speak
6.       It can’t eat a mouse
7.       It can’t bite a bone



What can SUPERHEROES do?
1.       Hulk
2.       Spiderman
3.       Batman
4.       Superman
5.       Wonder woman
6.       Mr. Elastic
7.       Invisible woman
8.       Human torch
9.       The thing
10.   Captain America
11.   Mr. Marvel

____can control energy                         
 ____can resist like a stone
____ can be stronger 
____ can disappear                               
____ can produce fire                         
____can stretch                                    
____ can use whip of truth              
____can fly                                                   
____ can create guns to catch a thief 
____ can jump very high 
____ can run very fast                                           






Word soup



Message code

Cultural aspects in English-speaking countries and Mexico

Last year, I was an exchange student in California, so I will tell you about the contrast between Mexico’s and America’s school life.
In Mexico, most schools ask students to wear an uniform but in the  U.S.A students rarely wear an uniform. Another difference is that Mexican schools sell food and in the U.S.A school provide the lunch.
A similar thing is that both, Mexican and American students like recess time and hanging out with their friends. American girls like writing busybody booklets and Mexican girls also like that

Message code

If clause

If I study I will pass the exam
If I work I will get money
If I sing I will break the windows

Daily routine
